
How Much Money After Selling All Possessions

Though the very thought of what I've washed would have shocked my quondam self years agone, I now have pride in having sold all of our possessions not once, simply twice at present. During our combined ii.5 years of nomadic wanderings, it was liberating to know that cipher collected dust in a storage bin, or saturday in cluttered piles in my in-laws basement. Information technology was all gone, save for the possessions in our 28-litre backpacks.

But what if you don't want to get rid of absolutely everything? No problem! This post volition assist you effectively de-clutter and sell your stuff, even if only some of it. After all, every dollar earned is another dollar towards a flight, a bus ride, a hotel –i dollar closer to your dream adventure.

Wouldn't y'all rather be here anyway?

Our experience

Twice at present nosotros have sold all of our possessions with the objective of getting the money back in the banking company, ridding ourselves of crap, and inflating our travel savings. Everything described here is from our own experiences.

The first time we sold everything we owned in 2012 (and I truly mean every single last affair!), we made $half dozen,500 CAD total in cash. We earned an additional $v,500.00 selling our motorcar. That's a grand full of $12,000 from two people living in a 2-bedroom apartment over 3 years. Aye, we had a lot of crap!

The 2d time we sold all our holding (2014), we made approximately $i,000 after minimalist living in a one-bedchamber apartment for a year in Australia. In that time, our possessions had all been either given to u.s.a. for complimentary or bought used. Nosotros pretty much bankrupt even or fabricated slightly more than than what was spent acquiring those items. Cumulatively, that's a grand full of $13,000.00 and let me tell you, for whatsoever savvy traveller, that money volition take you lot far.

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The cleansing procedure from our condo in Toronto.

Selling all of your life'southward possessions is not piece of cake. It just isn't. Humans like stuff, and nosotros accumulate a lot of it. The reality is, some of that "stuff" tin concord united states back from the things nosotros want to do, similar travel or move cities. This guide will concisely lays out the steps to selling everything – or at least some things – to maximise profit and minimise the stuff that is holding you back from adventure.

"But hither'southward the affair–no matter how many possessions you have, you never feel secure. As soon every bit yous get one thing, there is ever something else yous "need"."
― Karen Kingston

Step one: Detach from your attachments

The utmost important pace of selling items is non the actual selling, but your delivery to passing it on. And remember – that's all it ever is. Non dumping, not getting rid of, not wasting – you're passing something on. In an era where we senselessly burn through resources in the proper noun of consumerism, passing things on is a good style to make money and help the environment.

Our car filled with the final stuff pile to pass onto friends and family
Moving solar day! Our car filled with the concluding stuff pile to pass on or sell to friends and family unit

I won't spend much fourth dimension rambling on how to detach from your "things". Just know that the more you sell, the more than you'll feel smothered by the remaining items that are unloved, unused, and simply unnecessary.

Next, rest bodacious that yous will most likely not miss that item. Hell, I tin't remember 90% of the crap nosotros sold! Likewise, mosteverything is replaceable and/or can exist re-bought cheaper second hand.

We've ever thought it was senseless to place items in storage where they would simply depreciate in value. My view is to purge everything you can role with. You may too make the maximum turn a profit while an item is more current. It's non going to become any newer.

If you lot want more in-depth and disarming assist on ridding your property, I recommend reading Vagabonding: An uncommon guide to the art of long-term world travel, Life Nomadic, and Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Fine art of Organizing and Tidying Upwardly (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up)

Pace two: Sell early, sell ofttimes

Having had two very dissimilar experiences selling our possessions, I strongly advocate for giving yourself as much time as possible  to maximize profit. In our first sell-off in 2012, nosotros began selling iii months pre-deviation.

I cannot emphasise plenty the value of fourth dimension. Without it, you will end up purging items by the bag load to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Not that donating is bad (it'due south great!), but you are missing out on monetising on at least some of your possessions if yous need the cash.

When you have time, yous havepatience. Sorting and pricing requires mental energy. Create designated evenings or weekends where it's "stuff sorting" fourth dimension – possibly accompanied past music and beers if you lot so wish to pump yourself up for your impending travels  (usually effective til most beer #3).

Our selling routine went something like this:

  1. Determine if detail is sell, donate, or proceed*. (*If it's continue, ask yourself why. Is it irreplaceable? Choose your keeps Advisedly! Re-visit your "proceed" pile on several occasions. It gets easier to pass on as yous revisit)
  2. If selling, take a few quality photos. Photograph the front, sides and back as appropriate. Take clear photos in bright light (natural sunlight is best). Good photos oft determine non just if an particular sells, but whether information technology looks deserving of the listed price.
  3. Don't exist lazy with postings. Detailed description pigment a clear thought of the item for buyers. Information technology will not simply meliorate your likelihood of selling, but getting your asking price. Be convincing and specific. Land an detail's true condition, features, colour, and any freebies or extras you're willing to include. Help the buyer envision its quality and potential use (e.g. "would make a peachy souvenir for the holidays" or "a lovely piece to brighten upwardly any living infinite"). Finally, make sure to include a link to a mass album or a page of all your listings to say something like, "I'm selling many more items as I'm going away overseas, experience gratuitous to check them out hither: ____".
  4. Physically sort items and accept clear piles for what's what. Information technology's ideal to keep your "for auction" items together. If interested buyers are picking up from your house, you can then welcome them in to bear witness your other items for sale. On average in our experience, half of buyers who run into our other stuff will purchase something else too, especially if a bundle price is offered.

Once you have a clear routine, you'll get efficient at sorting and selling. For many, this is the nearly painful role of the procedure, but it is where yous will likely brand the biggest clamper of savings for your trip. It pays to sort and sell ahead!

Storage room mess
If you lot ever feel discouraged in your sorting, just expect back at this photo. It's our HORRENDOUS storage room mess of 3 years and we actually emptied it, item by detail. If nosotros tin tackle this, I promise y'all tin can tackle your clutter too!

Step 3: Research and price properly

Researching and properly pricing items is primal to getting the near coin dorsum in your pocket. Are you starting to come across a pattern here? Takefourth dimension to enquiry. Research grows those savings!

As y'all choose items to sell, try and confirm the regular retail toll (RRP). If y'all're always guessing, you could be actually underselling a slice, and it takes hardly any time to practise a quick Google search. Check Amazon or eBay to see going rates for your item in new condition.

Now: pricing. I usually sell somewhere around half price of an particular, with a 10% buffer higher up or beneath. If you're totally unsure, especially with larger items, search locally on Kijiji or eBay to see prices of similar items.

When in pricing doubt and when you have the time, start higher (fourth dimension permitting) and encounter if yous get any bites. I usually give big-ticket items 1-2 weeks before price-dropping. Every bit yous tin see, this is why having the fourth dimension on your hands is essential to maximise earnings!

Step 4: Sell everywhere

Our apartment turned garage sale – cost tags on every final affair. Whenever buyers came to pick something up, I would invite them into our "shop" to have a await. About 50% of the time, buyers would buy at least ane other item.

The less venues y'all're using to sell your items, the less potential buyers are seeing them. If y'all accept the patience and hours, postal service on all venues possible that are used in your local area, including:

  • Craigslist (USA, Canada, Europe)
  • VarageSale (Canada, USA, Commonwealth of australia)
  • Facebook albums, Facebook marketplace (global)
  • eBay (global)
  • Etsy (global – more than for craft goods)
  • Decluttr (United states of america, U.K.)

After having tracked literally every transaction from our first sell-everything-you-own-experience in Toronto, most of our buyers were from Facebook friends, Kijiji, and Craigslist respectively.

A photo album on Facebook of the items we were selling made it piece of cake for friends to see and phone call dibs on, which was hugely successful. Kijiji and Craiglist, though tedious due to no-shows, were effective too. Personally, I never wasted my time delivering items to buyers. Only on a handful of times we met people in a public place that was convenient. Non to mention, with pick-ups y'all can invite people in and sway them to buy something else if you lot have more for sale.

In our second experience selling everything in Sydney, we had less success via Facebook and sold most items via Gumtree (Australia's equivalent to Kijiji). Hence, y'all need to effigy out what'due south mutual in your community.

Step 5: Stay strong!

Sometimes you but need a Reddit pause after a mass decluttering spree.

The last important note of selling everything you own is to simply stay strong – mentally and emotionally. Don't mourn for the pieces of plastic and metal that were once shelf ornaments, dish sets, or a TV stand up. You no longer demand them in your life. Yous're off on an gamble, remember?!

My travel memories have – and always will have – significantly more than value than any physical particular I've endemic. Every bit I've wiggled my toes in the white Galapagos sands or burned my thighs climbing the slopes of Machu Picchu, I have never longed for my IKEA wall frames or designer shag carpet. Residuum bodacious, y'all Will NOT miss your crap!

Inspiring De-Ataxia Reads

Need that continued push as you lot sort through the seemingly insurmountable? Here are some of the well-nigh practical ones we recommend:

  • Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Course on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Upwardly)
  • Vagabonding: An uncommon guide to the art of long-term world travel
  • Life Nomadic

The Thrifty Gist

  • Sort & sell everything yous don't demand. Requite yourself plenty of time & be patient!
  • Put a good effort into taking bright, quality photos & provide detailed descriptions in your postings. Don't exist lazy!
  • Post on every platform used in your community – Facebook, Kijiji, Gumtree, Craigslist, Decluttr, VarageSale existence common ones

Materialism is seemingly impossible to avert in our modern earth, but freeing yourself of it can exist your primary financial means to travel. Keep at it, and chase your dreams!


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